Geraldine Moores, Trainer and Educator, UK
December 8, 2017 Comments Off on Geraldine Moores, Trainer and Educator, UK admin

I’ve worked in education as an educator and manager  for over 40 years both in the UK and abroad. In that period I’ve come across many different types of teachers and can confidently say that for Rani teaching is not just a job, or something she enjoys doing ,but is a calling. This is evident from the fact that she has continued to invest in her own training not just as an English teacher and Business Skills trainer but in personal development. I first worked with Rani in Malaysia and it was clear that her relationship with her students was that of educator, facilitator and a teacher who cared. She had a genuine wish to get to know her students on a personal level and so tailor her methodology to their specific needs. Rani is selfless and when she realised that younger colleagues were struggling to teach IELTS she identified that they needed training . She approached management and volunteered to train up and support younger teachers to teach the exam.  She did this in her spare time with no financial reward For Rani the reward was helping her colleagues. Then and now she continues to be humbled by the exceptionally positive feedback she gets. When I had to leave a project in Qatar for family reasons I went to the managers and told them they must approach Rani to join the project. Within a very short time they realised they had an outstanding member of the team and invited her to become one of the project managers. The fact that she is regularly asked to return to projects for the British Council is evidence of how much she is valued. There is one annual Middle East project I know of where trainers complain about the difficult, unmotivated and disinterested students. But Rani? Her reports are of delightful students whom she has enjoyed getting to know and again it is clear from the feedback that these ‘difficult ‘ students have responded very positively in kind. Finally, I suspect Rani will not offer this information but she  has initiated a local project to help children who have no access to education. This is no ordinary teacher.


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