Positive Parenting Workshop

Positive Parenting Poster (2)

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”  Rumi

  • Do you want to have a better relationship with children?
  • Do you want to raise happy children and not just smart children?
  • Do you want to learn how to establish rapport with your children?
  • Do you and/or your children suffer from stress and disquiet?
  • Do you want to get rid of unnecessary baggage of regrets, guilt or anger?
  • Do you want to overcome negativity and live a more balanced and peaceful life?
  • Do you want to learn and practice positive discipline?
  • Basically, do you want to improve the quality of your own life and that of your children?

Then this intensive programme will set you and your spouse on the right path of positive parenting.

Link Communicate invites you to an intensive Positive Parenting awareness-raising experience. If you are struggling with these issues, you can take away life-changing ideas that can enable and empower you to deal with these issues and create the life you and your family want to live.

About the Trainer: 

Rani Rao Innes draws on 40 years’ experience as an English language teacher and teacher trainer in several countries, vice principal in a sixth form college in the UK, a senior business training consultant for the British Council and an NLP Master Practitioner. Rani Innes is the Managing Partner of Link Communicate, a professional development company based in the UK and India. Rani is also a corporate and teacher trainer and has worked with professionals, teachers and students of all ages across cultures and countries. She is a theatre director and has worked as director and production manager with reputable groups like TIPS in Japan and The Canterbury Players in the UK.
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Format of training:

One-day intensive and interactive training.


Rs 5,000/- for one participant and Rs. 9,000/- for a pair, inclusive of materials, certificate, buffet lunch, refreshments and stationery.

Payment details will be mailed to you after form submission. Please send screenshot of payment either to linkcommunicate@gmail.com or WhatsApp to 9986143441

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